EVV Made Simple

We make EVV as simple as possible for DSPs. So simple, they won’t even know it’s there.

As an Ohio DD Provider, you probably have a lot of concern as you prepare for Phase II of EVV. There are a lot of new rules, regulations, and technology that need to be addressed. You’re not alone if you feel confused and worried about the road ahead.

But there’s no need to worry. We’re here to help.

DSP Approved

Our app receives great feedback from DSPs on its ease-of-use

1-Stop for EVV & Time Sheets

You won’t have to check 2 separate systems to make sure your billing & EVV match

No Complicated Numbers

DSPs don’t have to remember complicated numbers and codes every time they log in

Top Customer Support

With us as your alternative EVV provider, we’ll be there to support you when you need help

EVV is Easy as 123

Instead of asking DSPs to memorize and enter a series of numbers like Medicaid IDs and service codes, DSPs log successful EVV entries in just 3 easy steps. Connect a Voice takes care of the rest.

Tap on the App

If your DSPs have used an app before, they’ll have not problem accessing ours.

Opening Connect a Voice is as easy as a simple tap. No complicated website addresses to enter.

Enter Username & Password

Do your DSPs use apps like Facebook, YouTube, Email?

If so, they’re used to entering a simple Username & Password. With Connect a Voice it’s no different. Each DSP has their own unique login ID to let EVV know who they are.

Select Individual & Start

After they login, DSPs simply select the Individual they are working with and start.

It’s that simple! Rather than memorizing a consumer’s Medicaid ID, they simply tap their names and start a successful EVV visit.


How much does 1 failed billing record cost your agency?

Connect a Voice minimizes your number of failed EVV visits, maximizing the success of your billing.

The wrong EVV solution will cost your agency much more than the prices below.

Let us be your Alternate EVV Vendor

You have a choice on what you use for your EVV solution.

Even though the state is providing you a free EVV solution, you don’t have to use it. In fact, we highly recommend you choose an alternate EVV vendor for Phase 2, whether it be us or someone else.

With an alternate EVV vendor, you’ll get quality customer support and someone willing to fight for you when ensuring your EVV billing records are good-to-go. Things you may not get out of a free solution.

Contact us today to learn how you can get started implementing Connect a Voice as your Alternate EVV Solution.

EVV Resources for Ohio DD Providers

A Different View of EVV

A Different View of EVV

As we help countless of Ohio DoDD Phase 2 providers prepare for EVV, Connect a Voice founder gives his take on the new initiative.

Native Mobile EVV Apps vs The Rest

Native Mobile EVV Apps vs The Rest

Native Mobile EVV Alternate Solutions vs The Rest As the Ohio EVV deadline approaches and you search for Alternate EVV vendors, we wanted to give you some advice on what to look for in the technology solutions they offer. Technology solutions come in all different...

EVV Phase II Ohio: You Gotta Own It

The only control that a provider agency can have, to validate EVV service claims and get paid timely, is to use an alternative provider.

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