by Mark Ruf | Sep 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy Birthday to Connect a Voice! The Connect a Voice team is celebrating a birthday this month – we’re ‘2’. Like many two year olds (or maybe their parents) it seems like we are a lot older than that. But it was two short years ago – September 2017 that Connect a...
by Mark Ruf | May 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
Whale Shark Coming this Summer! At Connect a Voice we like sharks. In fact, we give our software release updates shark names. Our next release is a ‘Whale’ of a release – as in Whale Shark. Why the interest in sharks? Well, sharks are one of my daughter Colleen’s...
by Tom Shovelton | Apr 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
My journey with Connect a Voice began one morning at a therapeutic horseback riding lesson with my daughter (who has autism). As I watched my daughter ride, I noticed her direct support professional took out her smartphone to post on social media about the horseback...